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Data Modeling Zone (DMZ) 2014

  • October 20, 2014
  • October 22, 2014
  • Sentinel Hotel,

Data Modeling Zone (DMZ) Oct 20-22, 2014 in Portland, OR

DAMA Benefit: Enter BRACKETT during the registration to receive an additional 20% discount on the registration fee

Register now!

The world is quickly changing in how we view and analyze data and along with these changes data modeling plays a major role. The principles of data modeling need to stay firm, but our application of them (at times) needs refinement as technology advances. 

The sessions at Data Modeling Zone (DMZ) ( are in many ways a reflection of where the data modeling industry is now and where it is heading in the near future. DMZ is scheduled for Oct 20-22 in Portland, OR, and there are over 60 sessions this year, inspiring sessions by industry leaders and thought-provoking case studies, from fundamentals through advanced. 

Here are some reasons to join us: 

  • Learn from the industry leaders, including Karen Lopez, Steve Hoberman, David Hay, Dan Linstedt, Michael Blaha, Gordon Everest, Terry Halpin, Michael Brackett, Peter Aiken, Rick van der Lans, Håkan Edvinsson, and John Giles 
  • Obtain a more global view on data modeling, as speakers are from all parts of the US, as well as Australia, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Canada, and Singapore 
  • Benefit from case studies from Nike, Intel, Microsoft, GM, PACCAR, Westfield Group, Standard Insurance, Wells Fargo, IBM, and American Family 
  • Get the big picture of how data modeling relates to information architecture, data governance, data quality, NoSQL, data mining, and data visualization
  • Pick up some new modeling techniques, such as Fact-Oriented, UML, data integration modeling, data vault, and decision science 
  • Sharpen your softer data modeling skills such as facilitation, negotiation, relationship management, agility, and storytelling 
  • FIRST TIME AT CONFERENCE: Earn your CDMP data modeling certification onsite this year at DMZ (with a “Pay-Only-If-You-Pass” price promo) 
  • Get inspired from some of the most awesome keynote speakers (previous DMZ keynotes had us on the edge of our seats and this year will prove to be no exception) 

There are so many reasons to attend DMZ. If your manager still needs convincing, bring him or her along! Wednesday October 22 is our first annual Data Manager Executive Summit (, which contains sessions on the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK), negotiating for managers, information architecture, championing the Data Model Scorecard, and more!

Hope to see you at DMZ (!

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