October 2019 Chapter Meeting
Blockchain in the Context of Data Governance
Speaker: Frank Coker, Finance & Blockchain Professor, University of Washington iSchool
Tuesday, October 8th
Blockchain technology is a game changer. It is going to impact the global economy and change the way companies and individuals share important data. It is a game changer for Data Governance. It is becoming known as the “trust layer” in systems architecture. Blockchain is the underlying technology that enables cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and is becoming a new area of focus for banks, stock exchanges and global supply chains. But an even bigger impact is occurring as blockchain moves into broader forms of data tracking in areas such as contracts, deeds, intellectual property, music, aircraft assemblies, drugs, agriculture and much more. Blockchain technology is still in its infancy but is already eliminating transaction processing jobs while creating many new jobs that require the intersection of technology, information management and data governance skills. Understanding how blockchain works and how it is evolving will become increasingly
This presentation will review:
Open architecture and proprietary blockchain alternatives and comparisons
Data Governance processes for blockchain systems development and ongoing operations
Business benefits and financial considerations that drive or impede blockchain initiatives
As a Finance & Blockchain Professor at the UW iSchool, Frank believes in leading through education inside and out. He serves on several boards and under his leadership, Corelytics has been recognized as a Top 25 Emerging Vendor and won Intuit’s Grand Prize App of the Year. From Finance 101 to in-depth discussions on trends, Frank not only brings the insight of an upbeat professor, but can connect on a fundamental level to all types of business owners. Frank draws on his years of consulting experience at Price Waterhouse and IBM for world-class concepts and strategies.
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