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  • May Chapter Meeting: Scalable Architecture and Data Flow Architecture Tradeoffs

May Chapter Meeting: Scalable Architecture and Data Flow Architecture Tradeoffs

  • May 12, 2020
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Virtual (Register now to receive details)
  • 51


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May Chapter Meeting 

Scalable Architecture &

Data Flow Architecture Tradeoffs

Speaker: Yinso Chen, Engineering Manager at Marchex

Tuesday, May 12, 7:00 PM

Virtual Meeting (Register Now to Receive Info)

Moving and transforming data across a data pipeline is a common requirement whether you are building a data warehouse, big data, machine learning or a set of collaborating micro services, and making the pipeline scalable is a challenging task, with tradeoffs depending on the choices of the designs. We will look through a few designs based on experiences of building a speech analytic platform that could scale down to a VM and up to be a scalable cloud service. The components that require your design considerations and whys. They include architecture components required to 1) scale quickly, 2) scale efficiently and 3) Handle change resiliently. 

What You'll Learn

Architecture components required to:

  1. scale quickly
  2. scale efficiently
  3. be resilient to change

Speaker Profile

Yin-so Chen is a dynamic technology leader with expertise in both the management side and the technology side and can drive delivery from scratch. He has experiences spanning engineering management, system architecture, project management, enterprise architecture, software development, infrastructure management, and startup founding. Yin-so built multiple web and cloud systems at Accenture, Microsoft, Gates Foundation, Optimum Energy, and Marchex. He is currently building a Conversational Analytic Cloud Platform for Marchex.

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