October Chapter Meeting
Gartner: COVID Stories for CDOs
How CDOs From Some Of The World's Largest Organizations Used Pandemic Pressure For Strategic Success
Speaker: Tom Stanton, Data and Analytics at Gartner Research Board
Tuesday, October 13. 7:00 PM
Virtual Meeting (Register Now to Receive Info)
The COVID crisis has put several organizations and their CDOs into crisis mode. In some cases, the CDO, especially CDOs from very large organizations, has been able to leverage data in combination with crisis pressure to break down barriers, both technical and organizational, that previously have prevented their companies from being data-driven. In some cases, these examples show dynamic use of data that was previously unused. In other cases, CDOs found external data to provide real-time insights, drive operational functions directly, or create knowledge centers within a company that spanned several disparate units.
What You'll Learn
Speaker Profile
Tom Stanton works in Data and Analytics at Gartner Research Board.
He is an experienced analytics and data science leader, with over 20 years of experience in IT. Tom's specialties include: Retail, finance, health, insurance and consumer analytics.
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