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  • Bridging the Gap between the Health Industry and Technology

Bridging the Gap between the Health Industry and Technology

  • October 23, 2013
  • 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Northeastern University - Seattle 401 Terry Ave N Seattle, Washington 98109
Every minute if not second, we hear about the next “new” technology and how it could impact our lives to either make it easier or more efficient. Although having the option to unlock your phone through fingerprint recognition would be cool, what about being able to test your sleeping habits to uncover whether you have a sleeping disorder or not without having to go to a lab? Or if you were able to easily track and analyze data to understand your baby’s developmental progress? One UW Researcher and Professor has developed new technologies and is implementing emerging technologies to help answer these questions and more in an effort to bridge the gap between the slow-moving health industry with the ever-evolving technology industry. 

For more info: TechNW website

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