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DAMA Day 2014 - Innovations in Data Management For Health Care and Research

  • May 14, 2014
  • 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • Pan Pacific Hotel, 2125 Terry Ave, Seattle, WA 98121


  • Through May 9
  • Through May 9
  • Register 4 people from the same organization, and get a 5th registration free. Contact for details.
  • After May 9
  • After May 9
  • Gold sponsorship packages includes 1 registration, plus display of your company’s logo on marketing materials and DAMA website. For more information please contact
  • Platinum sponsorship package includes all benefit from the Gold package, as well as
    1) a table to set up materials
    2) media presentation during lunch
    For more information please contact
  • Limited amount of nominal priced tickets given to students from the sponsoring colleges. Registration code required. Please contact for more information

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DAMA Day 2014: Best Practices in Data Management for Health Care and Research

A forum for leading Puget Sound health care and research organizations to share and discuss

  • How do we use data to create better patient outcomes and drive knowledge forward?
  • What are the best data management practices in use now? 
  • What are the new data management developments on the horizon?

What You Will Learn:

We are all interested in obtaining the best analytics from our data.  How do you build the infrastructure for transformative analytics? Learn best practices and benefit from lessons learned from organizations in the forefront of state-of-the-art data management for health care and clinical research, including practical tactics that can be applied to starting or improving programs in Data Governance, Data Management, and Analytics.

Our Speakers:

Our speakers are leaders in the field, including Chief Medical Information Officers, Chief Medical Executives, researchers in Informatics and Biostatistics, and technical operations experts at major institutions in the field of health, including Group Health, Children’s Hospital, Regence Blue Shield, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research, and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

When: Wednesday May 14th, 9:30 – 4:30 + Networking Happy Hour

Where: Pan Pacific Hotel, 2125 Terry Ave, Seattle, WA 98121


8:00 -9:00 Registration and Breakfast Buffet

Morning: Vision, opportunities, challenges, and solutions

9:00 Managing Data in the Integrated Delivery System -- Moving from Data Points to information

Dr. Gwendolyn B. O'Keefe has been with Group Health Cooperative in Seattle since 2008 and is Vice President and CMIO.  She leads the Informatics Department, which encompasses a multidisciplinary informatics team for clinical applications, and oversight of Health Information Exchange, Data Governance and Analytics across the integrated delivery system.   Prior to joining Group Health, O'Keefe was medical director for General Internal Medicine and assistant professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin, where she was a physician champion for EMR implementation. She is a diplomate in Clinical Informatics, as one of the first group of clinicians to achieve Board certification in this new medical specialty in 2013.

9:30 Challenges in Using Large Electronic Healthcare Databases to Conduct Post-licensure Drug and Vaccine Safety Surveillance

Dr. Jennifer Nelson, PhD is Senior Investigator in the Biostatistics Unit of Group Health Research Institute and Affiliate Associate Professor at the Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington where she received her PhD. Her research focuses on methods to assess drug and vaccine safety and effectiveness, and she has published over 35 studies in this area. She is particularly interested in addressing methodological challenges in post-licensure drug and vaccine safety studies that use large observational health care databases. Dr. Nelson provides national leadership as the Methods Core Co-Lead for the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Mini-Sentinel Initiative and has also served as Methodology Committee Chair for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sponsored Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) project.

10:00 Health Improvement:  Using Actionable Data to Improve Outcomes in Accountable Care

Dr. Mary Kay O'Neill, M.D., M.B.A., is the executive medical director for Regence BlueShield in Washington. Dr. O'Neill works with employers and providers to enhance the quality and affordability of care for Regence members in Washington. Dr. O'Neill began her career at Virginia Mason Medical Center as a physician in the area of physical medicine and rehabilitation. She continues to serve as a clinical assistant professor at the University of Washington, School of Medicine, where she received her medical degree and master's of business administration.

10:30 Break

11:00 (Big) Data Managment for Biosurveillance across Department of Veterans Affairs: National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza.

Farshid Sedghi is a serial entrepreneur and co-founder of Bitscopic. Previously, Farshid has turned a number of ideas into successful enterprise products, and more recently managed a number of services and products at Microsoft's Bing. Utilizing his experience in working with the latest technologies in machine learning, data analytics and real-time data processing of large data sets, he co-founded Bitscopic to bring better solutions to the Biosurveillance and Healthcare data analytics space.

11:30 The Use of Clinical Data Programs to Improve the Delivery of Medical Care.
Dr. Terry Rogers, M.D. is CEO of the Foundation for Health Care Quality. Dr Rogers is a Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist by training, having spent 15 years running those programs at Swedish Hospital, followed by 8 years working as a medical executive in the medical insurance industry, where he was extensively involved in using large claims data bases to identify and track resource use and practice variations. Dr Rogers is a graduate of Dartmouth College and Cornell University Medical School, and received the bulk of his postgraduate training at the University of Washington.

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch Buffet

Afternoon: Applications and Results

1:00 Ground Truth: Building a Global Health Information Management System

Kate Wilson is the Director of Digital Health Solutions at PATH. Empowered by the belief that health is within reach of everyone, and that appropriate Information and Communication Technology can enable that promise, the Digital Health Solutions team works globally with Ministries of Health to design and develop country owned, country lead information systems.

1:30 Building the Infrastructure for Global Health Research

Matthew Israelson is the Data Development Manager at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). He joined the team in 2013 and is responsible for identifying and obtaining access to health-related data for IHME’s global research initiatives. Prior to joining IHME, Matthew worked as a project manager with the federal government and private sector where he supervised the collection and analysis of sensitive datasets. He graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in History and Political Science, and received an MA in Diplomacy from Norwich University.

2:00 Distributed data models and data sharing in health care research and surveillance

Tyler R. Ross is the manager of data warehousing and analysis at the Group Health Research Institute where he applies his interest in health services, program evaluations, and health informatics to distributed data systems.  Ross leads operations of the HMO Research Network’s Virtual Data Warehouse, a distributed data model across 18 health care research organizations.  He holds a master’s degree in economics, with concentrations in econometrics and health economics, from the University of Washington.

2:30 Migration to a Massively Parallel Solution for Faster Analytics and More Efficient Maintenance

 Wendy Soethe is the Manager of the EDW and Business Intelligence team, part of the Knowledge Management at Seattle Children's Hospital. Wendy oversees data warehousing activities as well as enterprise-wide Business Intelligence solutions.  Responsible for developing a compelling and cost-effective EDW solution that integrates and organizes raw source data from Epic, Cerner, Lawson and other systems within the hospital for fast and effective decision-making, Wendy and her team have made significant contributions to clinical, financial, strategic planning, and research initiatives.  She has over 15 years experience in health care and holds a master degree in public health from the University of Washington.

3:00 Break

3:30 A Model to Analyze Lung Cancer Survival and Complication Rates

Chan Beauvais has been in data management for twenty five years. In January 2007 he was diagnosed with a lung lesion. After a lobectomy, he passed his five year cancer free survival threshold in 2012. He partnered with his lung cancer surgeon to create a data model for capturing information to be used in analyzing lung cancer survival rates and complication rates by various factors. His journey on this effort is the basis for today's presentation.

4:00 A Better Way to Enable Healthcare Transformation with Analytics

Alan Eisman serves as Information Builders Executive Director, Healthcare Industry. He is the Author of the 2009 White Paper “Prescription for Healthcare – Optimize Performance and Quality Now”. Recently he authored the White Paper “Healthcare Performance Management, The Key to Enabling Meaningful Use” and “Transparent, Trusted, and Timely Information the Key to Enabling Integrated Accountable Care.”  Alan is a frequent speaker at healthcare IT conferences including keynoting the recent Accountable Care HIT Summit in 2012.

4:30 Panel: Challenges in Building Self-Service Portals

Mark Igra is one of the three original members of team that developed the LabKey Server open source project as part of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s early detection initiative. In 2005, he cofounded LabKey Software to sustain, support and extend the LabKey Server platform.  Today, he leads Program Management for LabKey Software and helps guide the company as one of its founding Partners/Owners.

Larry Scheurich has over 25 years of experience designing and implementing data warehouse technologies in a wide range of environments including retail, manufacturing, telecommunications, and health care. Most recently he has completed projects at Group Health Cooperative that facilitate the analysis of health care gaps, provider productivity, and pharmacy prescription volumes and costs. 

5: 15 pm: Happy Hour and Networking

Registration Policy
Full payment before April 1st is required to complete the registration and to reserve a seat. Please pay online through Paypal. If you have difficulties making a payment through Paypal, please contact us at

Cancellation Policy
- Refund managed on case-by-case basis up to April 30th
- No refund will be granted after April 30th

DAMA Day 2014 is Sponsored By:

Sponsorship opportunity available, please contact for more information.

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