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Call for Candidates!

DAMA-PS is now accepting applications from individuals who would like to run for a Board position. Board member positions are listed on About Us -> Board of Directors Openings.

Each of the Board positions is for a term of one year. Interested candidates should be prepared to commit to attending a minimum of up to 9 board meetings per year, monthly chapter meetings plus any required meetings for work on Board committees. Typical board commitment is 8-12 hours per month.

To apply, please email your responses to the following questions

  • Your full name
  • Years of experience in Data Management or related fields of work
  • Experience with DAMA (DAMA experience not required)
  • Experience in leadership roles, such as work or others, including other professional organizations. This is optional. You can indicate this is a development goal for yourself.
  • Why you want to be part of the Board
  • Why this particular role interests you
  • Anything special you think you would bring to this role

Please keep your profile brief - it should not be a resume. Ideally, it will take up a half page or less per candidate. The profiles will be distributed to chapter members of the DAMA-PS Board and may be distributed as handouts at a special Board meeting to help people make informed decisions.

Criteria for Candidature

Potential candidates will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
  • Demonstrate an understanding and commitment to the development and growth of the Data Management profession
  • Able to commit 8-12 hours a month to Board and Board Committee work which includes regular attendance at monthly Executive Board meetings
  • Be a member of DAMA International or the Puget Sound Chapter (this is a requirement to serve on the Board of Directors)
  • Demonstrate leadership ability
  • Show previous Board-level experience
  • Agree to and sign the DAMA-International Code of Ethics
  • Show support for the DAMA-PS values of:
    • Respect
    • Integrity
    • Shared Vision
    • Innovation
Questions? If you have any questions about the election process or would like more information about the open Board positions, please email DAMA-PS at

We thank all potential candidates for their interest in participating in the development and growth of DAMA Puget Sound.

© 2025 DAMA Puget Sound | Affiliated Chapter of DAMA International

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